Essential Property Management Services Every Landlord Needs To Know

Being a landlord is hard work, and it's even harder when you're doing it on your own. Luckily, if you're willing to pay for the services of a property manager, there are plenty of ways to make that job easier. The following list will help you decide what services your Property Management Ascot Vale company should provide:

Hiring a property manager

One of the most important things you can do for your rental property is to hire a property manager. A good property manager will help you keep track of your properties, collect rent payments from tenants and make sure they're paying on time, handle any repairs that need to be made (or find someone who can), deal with tenant complaints and evictions if necessary, and more. This can be especially helpful if you don't have much experience with real estate investing or if your schedule makes it difficult for you to dedicate time to managing all aspects of your rental properties.

Handling tenant maintenance

  • What to do if your tenant has a maintenance issue.

  • How to respond if your tenant doesn't pay their rent on time.

  • How to deal with late or missing rental payments.

  • How to collect security deposits from tenants.

Property Management Ascot Vale

Screening prospective tenants

Your first step in the property management process is to screen prospective tenants. You want to make sure that they have a good credit score and that their rental history is clean. You should also ask for references from landlords, employers and previous roommates.

It's also important to check their bank statements and credit card statements before signing them up as tenants. This will help ensure that there are no fraudulent charges on either of these accounts, which could lead them into financial trouble down the road if they're unable to pay rent because they've spent all their money on things like eating out at restaurants or buying expensive clothes instead of saving it for their monthly housing costs.

Collecting rent and deposits

When it comes to collecting rent and deposits, there are some common questions that landlords have. Here's what you need to know:

You can collect your tenants' monthly payments in a number of ways. Some people prefer checks or money orders; others like electronic funds transfer (EFT). Whatever method you choose, make sure that it is convenient for both parties so that the process goes smoothly and easily every month.

Deposits can range anywhere from one month's worth of rent up to two months' worth depending on where you live and how much risk there is associated with renting out your property. For example, if your tenant has pets or children who may damage things around the house then they might need additional security against damages caused by those individuals before moving into their new home!


If you're a landlord, it's important that you know how to properly manage your property. This will save you time and money, as well as help ensure that your tenants are happy with their living situation. If you're looking for more information on how to get started with Property Management Ascot Vale services, contact an expert now.


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